Friday, 24 May 2013

Kiwi Release

Mrs Elmore took these pics of the actual release in the bush on the farm.
Taking the Kiwi into the bush

Thomas Masters carrying the box with the kiwi!

Are you ready Iwik?

TV1 and TV3 were there too

Tuning the tracker

Kiwi Release Powhiri at Mataia Farm

Hi Room 32,

Today I went to the kiwi release on Mataia farm up at Kaukapakapa (1 hour drive north from school).  It started with a powhiri (welcome) to welcome us onto the whenua (land).  Then after we were officially welcomed we mingled with the hosts and had morning tea.  Thanks to Mrs Masters for your delicious cheese muffins and fruit loaf!  Then we joined the hosts and did another powhiri to welcome the kiwi onto the farm.  This experience was new to lots of Meadowbank children and families so it was fabulous to be able to be part of it all.

After the kiwi were formally welcomed they were taken out of their boxes and carried around to everyone so we could get the chance to stroke them.  I was imagining them to be really soft but I found out that their feathers are actually quite rough and prickly.  The DOC workers that were carrying them had been out all last night catching them on Moturoa Island.  They only managed to get 5 kiwi because the full moon made them hid away and hard to find.

Four lucky Meadowbank children (2 ex students) and Nicky Elmore were asked to go with the DOC workers in their 4x4 drive vehicles to release them out in the protected area of the farm.

What a day!  I wish you had been there to experience it too.

Mrs Cook

Checking out the DOC information and touching a stuffed kiwi

The beautiful Mataia homestead

A predator

Powhiri to welcome the kiwi on

They are in the boxes

Ohhh so exciting! I got to touch a kiwi, one of our taonga.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Year 5 Assembly

Hello parents of Year 5,
We are doing our assembly tomorrow at 2pm in the hall.  We will be performing some of our Footstep Dances we have been learning on Mondays.  We also have some presentations on Inventions.

Mrs Cook


On the 22nd of May 2013 Room 32 went to Garden2Table. All of the gardeners had lots of jobs planned. They found three eggs, they also planted potatoes and boysenberry plants and watered the plants with worm tea. They fed the chickens with snails and worms.  They also picked kumaras and found one as big as an ice cream container.  They picked lots of different lettuce.
Look at our fresh egg!
Aerating the compost
Feeling the warmth of the egg - it's fresh!
Look at our mother kumara root - this should sprout a new plant for us.

By Mark and Nico

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Hot Chocolate Day

Hi Room 32

Don't forget to bring your mug and gold coin donation tomorrow!

Mrs Cook

Sunday, 19 May 2013


Hi Room 32
Are you getting sponsors for your Math-a-thon?  Work on the problems each night.  You will only have 5 minutes to complete it.

Keep up the hard work.
Mrs Cook

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Kiwi Name

Room 32 what do you think our kiwi should be named?

Working in the Gully

This is Room 32 working together in the gully, we are taking gravel to fill the pathway.

By Aaron and Devah

Ella and Stella taking gravel to the gully.

Some children were asked to get onto a truck and shovel gravel into buckets.
Ben,Nico,Gabriel and Aaron are shovelling gravel.


Friday, 10 May 2013


Hello Parents,
I just wanted you to know that I have changed the settings of the blog so you can now comment on our blog posts.  
1. Click on comment
2. Write your comment
3. Click on comment as arrow
4. Click on name/URL
5. Enter your name
6. Click publish
7. A little box with a word will come up please type this into the box and click publish

Thanks for taking the time to look at what we have been up to.  We will be updating this soon.
Mrs Cook